A cultural change is needed.
There have already been hundreds if not thousands of games cancelled this season because of pitches that are unsuitable to play on. This situation occurs every year around the same time and yet, other than some forward thinking individuals and progressive leagues, we muddle aimlessly on moaning and cursing never seriously looking to change it. I ask the question, why?
“We have to toughen the players up”
“They have to play on grass in the cold when they are older”
“it will make men/women of them”
These are some of the usual responses we hear when asked why an alternative has not been considered.
With this in mind let me offer the following information:
“We have to toughen the players up”
Futsal is played in a smaller space, to lines and at a faster speed. This means there are more physical contacts, more 1v1 confrontations and more opportunities to develop techniques, skills and movements that are perfectly appropriate for players of this age.
This environment will toughen players up and get them used to contact. We do need resilient and resourceful players (and Futsal will challenge the players to get better at this) but we are also crying out for skilful, technical players who make great decisions in the game.
Toughness alone will not win the World Cup, sorry. Futsal is a game that will challenge the players in all the areas we are deemed to be lacking in; technique, decision making, tactical awareness to name but a few.
“They have to play on grass in the cold when they are older”
Yes, the players do but the significant part of this response is the bit that says; when they are older!! Young children are not as tolerant to fluctuations in temperature as adults so they are affected more by these extremes.
When they grow and mature playing outside in the cold will be very appropriate but once again we are forgetting that our children are NOT mini adults. Everyone nods and agrees when this is said but the actions of many coaches do not support this.
Take the players indoors so that the focus can be upon technique, movement and decision making and not keeping warm.
“It will make men/women of them”
The process of childhood is to allow time and space for the gradual transition from being a child, and all that entails, into a mature and well-balanced adult. There is no need to “make men” of our children. It goes against the natural order of things and may mean that vital learning and development is missed out.
We always seem to be in a rush to get the players doing what comes NEXT. Why not maximise the development that is possible NOW. Missing weeks and months of the season due to cancellations and poor pitches is not maximising development time.
The England DNA and developing players who are confident in possession.
You must know by now that developing the individual ability of each player is an absolute priority in the Foundation Phase.
Futsal will help in a number of ways. The smooth, flat surface that increases the speed of the ball will provide different challenges to the players, as will the heavier weighted ball. These different constraints will help refine the skills and techniques of the players. The environment indoors allows for concentrated practice if new ideas are being introduced and the wind, rain and cold cannot affect levels of concentration or the pace of practice if the coach needs to take a little extra time explaining things to the players.
There will be times when the players are outside in the cold so now players have had a variety of experiences and this is what is needed. Inside allows time for focussed practice and games in a smaller space, to different rules and on a fast, smooth surface.
Outside, if cold, provides lots of high tempo activity and games on a different surface (grass or 3G) and the players need both.
In this section of Hive there are a number of video clips that will add more information and detail so that you can consider a Futsal alternative for the benefit of your young players.
I know this has been a bit negative so far but I am very encouraged by the many coaches, teams and leagues that have already established a Futsal winter break into the football calendar. This is growing every year, shows real foresight and must be applauded.
DNA Futsal Take home message
The England DNA in the Foundation Phase is committed to sending out very clear and consistent messages regarding the development of a different kind of England player. The game of Futsal has to become a natural part of our players development and the way their seasons are structured when young. The benefits to development, in line with the DNA, of going indoors and playing Futsal far outweigh the cold and wet experiences our young players might get (if the game is actually on outdoors) in winter. Our players cannot lose months and months of development. Quite rightly they will lose focus and motivation. Futsal is the perfect option for the DNA and to keep the development of our players on full throttle all year round.
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